Session Recordings

The conference’s different plenary and parallel sessions of the conference were also made available to online attendees. These online broadcasts have been recorded and are now viewable via this page. For more information on each session, please click the button below.

Day 1 (30 November 2023)

Welcome Plenary Session

Opening Speeches & Keynotes from Thought Leaders
Health Data Quality

Parallel Sessions

High-Quality Primary Health Data for Medicine Safety (Part 1)

Hospital Leadership & Strategies for Attaining High-Quality Health Data Leadership

Scaling up the European Health Data Space

Plenary Session

Navigating the Health Data Landscape: Building Reliable Data Spaces

Parallel Sessions

High-Quality Primary Health Data for Medicine Safety (Part 2)

Developing a Health Data Framework in Belgium

Trusting the European Health Data Space

Day 2 (1 December 2023)

Plenary Session

Patient-centric Healthcare: Unlocking the Potential for Improved Outcomes

Parallel Sessions

Trustworthy A.I. systems (Part 1)

Towards a Data Quality Label for HealthData@EU

Patients in the Driving Seat (Part 1)

Plenary Session

The i~HD Porto Declaration on Health Data Quality

Parallel Sessions

Trustworthy A.I. systems (Part 2)

Driving Transformation: Empowering All Stakeholders in Healthcare through Data Quality Education

Patients in the Driving Seat (Part 2)

Plenary Session

Panel Debate: Could a Societal Compact Change the Outlook for Trust in the Reuse of Health Data?
