2021 has been a breath-taking year in which we have grown our team, welcomed new members, developed new services, started new projects, and run round tables and workshops. You can discover more details on these exciting developments in our annual report 2021.
A study based on anonymised health records from over 8 million people in the UK and Spain found no evidence of a link between COVID-19 vaccines and 3 neurological disorders. However, there was an increased risk of these disorders, seen in people who had a COVID-19 infection.
What better way to rally public engagement than by demonstrating the tangible benefits of health data analysis through real-world examples? That is why we have started building up a library of case studies, collecting case studies that were set up by many organisations across Europe. Our library illustrates how different uses of data have contributed to gaining valuable insights in different disease areas, and how patient data was protected.
To which organisations, to which kinds of health data and for what processing purposes does the GDPR apply, how does it constrain what do you are permitted to do and how can you ensure that you comply with it?
i~HD is a partner in the new EU research project HIPPOCRATES which aims at promoting early identification and improving outcomes for patients with psoriatic arthritis. i~HD has responsibility for ensuring robust data protection, data management and FAIR data sharing.
Everybody who seeks healthcare knows how important it is for information to be joined up between care providers. Digital Health Europe has developed a website especially with patients and the public in mind to explain interoperability and standards. i~HD has participated in the creation of this portal and will sustain it as a long-term resource.
On 10 June 2021 our member organisation MedTech Europe joined forces with EFPIA to hold a joint panel discussion on "Unlocking the power of health data: the promise of the European Health Data Space” (EHDS). The event included a keynote address by Ms Stella Kyriakides and a presentation on the EHDS by Ms Ioana-Maria Gligor, Head of Unit Digital Health. Our President Dipak Kalra was one of the invited panel speakers to discuss the opportunities from making better use of data offered by the EHDS, and the importance of societal trust.
On May 6, 2021, I~HD, In4care, the hospital network CUROZ and City of Aalst organised an online event focussed on the digitisation of health care in Belgium. i~HD has its own dedicated session: Are we aware how much we can learn from health data gained via mobile apps? Assuring trust in the re-use of mobile health-data now, to enhance tomorrow’s healthcare!
Interventions involving medicinal products are a central element of health care. UNICOM is a European health innovation project promoting the IDMP (Identification of Medicinal Products) standards. Dipak Kalra and Robert Vander Stichele contributed to the UNICOM webinar on 21 April: Towards Medicinal Products Data Global Interoperability: Why should we strive for it?
Large healthcare organisations frequently need to archive historic electronic health record information on patients who are no longer being cared for. The European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eArchiving Building Block publishes standards and software tools to support E-Archiving, and is organising a series of free webinars on this topic.