Nathan Lea

DPO & Information Governance Lead for I~HD, Senior Research Fellow UCL

Nathan (PhD) is an independent consultant who is working with i~HD as their data protection officer and on the development of adaptive codes of practice and standard operating procedures to govern and secure the use of health and genetic data for research purposes and digital health innovation. He has focused his work on operational security and design implementation and he has an interest in understanding the legal, ethical and societal impacts and concerns around novel health data uses, particularly in the area of Artificial Intelligence for health management and genomics research.

Nathan is the Information Governance Lead for the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Clinical Research Informatics Unit and a Senior Research Fellow at UCL where his research and teaching focuses on understanding legal, ethical and security requirements for Big Data driven clinical research. Nathan has worked with the UCL European Institute to examine the implications of No Deal Brexit on EU Data Flows and reviewing transatlantic data flows in the light of Privacy Shield and the Schrems II Case. He is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Population Data Science
