The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD) took part in the officially launch of the SYNTHIA project.
Christophe Maes, i~HD Business Development and Audit Manager, and Nathan Lea, i~HD Data Protection Officer both attended the kick-off meeting held in Valencia, Spain on the 9th-10th of September 2024.
SYNTHIA project or “Synthetic Data Generation framework for integrated validation of use cases and AI healthcare applications” is a public-private partnership funded by the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI). Its aim is to support research and innovation in personalised medicine by ensuring that patients receive the best possible care while respecting the safety of their personal information.
The project addresses the challenges of using synthetic data in current health research, particularly focusing on these diseases:
- Two solid tumours: Lung cancer and breast cancer
- Two blood cancers: multiple myeloma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Type 2 diabetes
i~HD is leading tasks in the work packages on synthetic data evaluation, quality assurance and clinical validation (WP7) and ethical legal and societal issues (WP8). i~HD is also the Academic Lead, together with Gates Venture as industry Lead of WP2: business and sustainability models.