Is the health of a patient undergoing dialysis affected by a break in treatment?

In the UK approximately 5 people a week die whilst waiting for a kidney transplant or whilst on dialysis.

The data from 5,800 records taken from UK Renal Registry and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) of patients who had dialysis between 2002 -2006 were analysed. The results showed hospital admissions and deaths were higher in patients who had a two-day break before their next session of dialysis. Individual patients reported they were affected daily with increased nausea and fatigue during this break.

These findings have important implications for how dialysis services and clinical pathways are planned to reflect the needs of the patient and service.

Kidney Research UK funded the research.

Click below to see how the study was undertaken and discover more detailed results

This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the health professionals as part of the care and support provided.
