EU-funded R&D project
European mHealth Innovation and Knowledge Hub
m Health Hub is a project funded by the EC through the WHO and ITU. Its goal is to develop a web platform of knowledge to enable mHealth to be more widely and successfully deployed in national and regional level health services, and for mHealth to deliver large scale benefits.
The platform aims to become the focal point for expertise on mHealth in the EU, identifying and highlighting trends and gaps in policies, standards, regulations, etc. and best practices and barriers to the creation of consistent mHealth infrastructure and strategy. i~HD is responsible for threads of work relating to stakeholder engagement, contributing to the structure and content of mHealth knowledge frameworks and for charting the innovation landscape of mHealth.
Consortium Partners
Campania Region, Ehtel, Empirica, Ericsson Nikola Tesla D.D., Foundation Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol – Connected Health Cluster, European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Health Care Centre Zagreb, Hl7 International Foundation, i~HD, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Junta de Andalucia, Mdog, Spanish Ministry of Health, Osakidetza (Basque Health Service), PCHA, Promis, Jämtland Härjedalen Region, SPMS, University of Agder, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, WHO