Interventions involving medicinal products are a central, if not dominant, element of health care.

UNICOM is a major European health innovation project which helps to ensure that any medicine and what it contains can be accurately identified anywhere in the world, by promoting the IDMP (Identification of Medicinal Products) suite of standards.

i~HD is an active partner in this EU project. Two i~HD representatives, prof. Dipak Kalra and prof. Robert Vander Stichele, have contributed to the UNICOM webinar:

Towards Medicinal Products Data Global Interoperability
Why should we strive for it?

Wednesday 21 April 2021 (10:00 – 11:30 am CET)

Why should you attend?
  • Understand the issues at stake via true-to-life stories
  • Discover how the IDMP standards contribute to enhancing patient safety and improving health care
  • Share your views, to guide the further development and EU-wide implementation of IDMP standards
Who should attend?
  • All individuals and organisations interested and involved in the daily management of medicinal products such as health care organisations, health care professionals and patients.