Through our community and programmes, i~HD helps all players in the health data ecosystem by flexing our five muscles
We catalyse change, improvement and trust through engaging stakeholders
We catalyse innovations in health care, greater patient engagement and more productive research through enabling all players in the health ecosystem to contribute and co-operate in learning from health data
We catalyse stakeholders
Health care providers to learn more from their health data
To invest in better quality and more interoperable data, captured through good-quality EHR systems
Patients and citizens to become empowered through their data
To use their health records to understand their health and care, to self-manage conditions through trustworthy apps, and to maintain their wellness
Care providers, patients and citizens to trust in sharing their data to improve health care
To adopt good practices in data documentation, data protection and data sharing
Academic and industry research organisations to scale up their use of big health data
To conduct research on new kinds of health data, new ways to safeguard and use the data to generate valid insights
Policy makers to utilise good quality big health data to evidence their decisions
To invest in health data systems and infra-structures, to quality assure the data and the systems they use, and to engage the public in priority setting such as improving health outcomes