Through our community and programmes, i~HD helps all players in the health data ecosystem by flexing our five muscles
We connect to listen, to share expertise and to co-create solutions
- We organise conferences and workshops where stakeholders can connect, learn from each other and share innovations in data use
- We participate, give talks and organise session tracks, in many other events throughout the year through which we listen to and engage with many stakeholders
- We connect experts in different fields of expertise through our task forces
- We are involved in many European projects which have themselves large networks, where we can develop, enhance and promote good solutions in the use of data and deriving societal benefit from health data, such as:
- We have also established collaborations with other organisations and initiatives which pursue complementary activities in order to help us to achieve our objectives.
- And finally, we build a privileged relationship with our members in guiding them to make the best use of health data.